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About us:


“An inspiring goal, belief  in the team, hard work and a positive desire to change the world will always develop innovations in the region, in the country and in the World.”

Igor Matievskii



VRLAB.DEV is a technologically creative company that provides new-generation services for world-class brands.

We are a single multidisciplinary team of inventors, researchers, artists, industrial, graphic and game designers, managers, engineering specialists, content creators who think extraordinary and extremely progressively.

Our team is engaged in various disciplines - from the arrangement of outdoor VR/IT events to the development of corporate applications and video games.

Our thorough planning and constant attention to every detail of the working process is the key to success of your business. The latest technologies and our close monitoring guarantee excellence.  Every new challenge brings to research, study and search for the optimal solution.

Life from the inside

Our rewards


Discoveries of the year 2016

The best company in the category “Entertainments and Hobbies” following the results of the contest



Finalist of the contest “Business Success” in the nomination “The Best Innovative Project”


Letter of thanks

For holding the interactive platform “Personal Robot Adam” of the VIII All-Russian Festival of Science NAUKA 0+ on the basis of VSUES.


Note of Appreciation

For active and constructive participation in organizing and holding the final of the skill contests of the National Technological Initiative in the field “Virtual and Augmented Reality”


Note of Appreciation

From the Public Council at the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East for active participation and efficient contribution to the organization and implementation of the project “Media Ground. Far East. Reators.”


Winner’s Diploma

The regional stage of the All-Russian contest Volunteer of Russia - 2018. The Escolize project.

Our history

August 5, 2016

October 20, 2017

Establishment of

Opening of a student office in FEFU.

December 1, 2017

September 17, 2018

Agreement on integration of VRLAB.DEV and ROBOT LLC

Registration in the Tech Park Register of Far Eastern Federal University

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